الكاردينال تيموثي دولن رئيس أساقفة نيويورك يزور المعهد الإكليريكي
On Saturday, April 13, 2024, His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolen, Archbishop of New York and the highest official of the CNEWA ’’Catholic Near East Welfare
On Saturday, April 13, 2024, His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolen, Archbishop of New York and the highest official of the CNEWA ’’Catholic Near East Welfare
بدأ مركز التّنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم الأربعاء 10
The Seminary family organized a religious and recreational trip to the Galilee region and Nazareth between April 3rd and 8th, 2024. The Seminary participated in
On Monday, April 1, 2024, the family of the Seminary, including priests, sisters, and seminarians, participated in The Divine Mass at the Emmaus site, where
On Friday, March 22, 2024, the Seminary held a spiritual retreat for the Seminary’s employees with the participation of the Seminary’s nuns, in preparation for
اختتم مركز التنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation Center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم السبت 16
اختتم مركز التنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation Center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم الجمعة 22
On Tuesday March 19, 2024, the seminary celebrated the feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of our seminary. This celebration was presided over by
اختتم مركز التنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation Center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم الأربعاء 20
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the Seminary hosted the students of the Latin Patriarchate School of Beit Sahour , and they were received by Father
The priests and the students of the Seminary participated in the Mass of the Fifth Sunday of Lent, in the Church of St. Catherine (Nativity)
On Saturday 16th of March, 2024, Priests of the Seminary along with the seminarians visited churches and holy sites in the city of Jerusalem. The
Contact us: P. O. Box 14152 Jerusalem 9114101 – Tel: +970 2 2742612 – Fax: +970 2 2742885 – Email: info.seminary@lpj.org
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