المعهد الإكليريكي يعقد الامتحان النهائي الشامل في اللاهوت
On Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology at the Seminary in Beit Jala, affiliated with the Lateran University in Rome, conducted
On Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology at the Seminary in Beit Jala, affiliated with the Lateran University in Rome, conducted
أنهى مركز التنشئه الروحية التابع للمعهد الإكليريكي The Spiritual Formation center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem يوم الإثنين 27 أيار 2024،
اختتم مركز التّنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم الخميس 30
On Monday, May 27, 2024, H.B. Patriarch Card. Pierbattista Pitzzaballa paid a pastoral visit to the seminary as part of his duties as head of
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate held an academic meeting for the faculty of Philosophy and Theology to mark the
بدأ مركز التّنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطريركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم الخميس 16
On Monday, May 13th, 2024, Our Lady of Fatima feast day, H.B. Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, presided over a Mass at the
بدأ مركز التّنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم الثلاثاء 7
اختَتَم مركز التّنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطركيّة اللّاتينيّة The Spiritual Formation center of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem، يوم الأربعاء 24
On Wednesday, April 24th, 2024, the students of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate participated in the annual meeting of the Seminaries in the Holy
On Sunday, April 21, 2024, the Seminary family joined the Divine Mass of thanksgiving to celebrate the ordination of Evangelical deacon Charbel Issa Abu Sa’da
On Friday, April 19, 2024, His Excellency Nicolas Kassianides, the French Consul General in Jerusalem, and Mrs. Manuella Affejee, Advisor for Religious Affairs in Jerusalem,
Contact us: P. O. Box 14152 Jerusalem 9114101 – Tel: +970 2 2742612 – Fax: +970 2 2742885 – Email: info.seminary@lpj.org
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