وقفة روحيّة لموظفي وموظفات بيت الطفل الإلهي – بيت لحم في المعهد الإكليريكي
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, the Seminary hosted a group from the House of the Divine Child of the Incarnate Word, Bethlehem, in a retreat
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, the Seminary hosted a group from the House of the Divine Child of the Incarnate Word, Bethlehem, in a retreat
بدأ مركز التّنشئة الرّوحيّة التّابع للمعهد الإكليريكيّ للبطريركيّة اللّاتينيّة – the Spiritual Formation Center of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Seminary، يوم الجمعة ٢٦ كانون
On Monday, February 19, 2024, the Seminary held a Mass to thank God for the service of His Excellency Bishop Jamal Khader Daibes, in the
يتشرف المعهد الإكليريكي للبطريركية اللاتينية الأورشليمية بدعوتكم للمشاركة في قداس الشكر لله تعالى من أجل سيادة المطران جمال خضر دعيبس الجزيل الوقارالأسقف المعيّن على أبرشية
On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the Seminary family held the Divine Mass on the occasion of Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), in participation
بدأ مركز التّنشئة الرّوحيّة يوم الثّلاثاء 13 شباط 2024، أول محاضرة مع الأب حنّا سالم والّتي تتمحور حول الفضائل، وكان ذلك بمشاركة أكثر من أربعين
The priests and seminarians of the Seminary held a tournament for football table and table tennis, organized by the entertainment committee at the seminary, represented
More than 100 members of the Scout of the Shepherd’s Field Church – Beit Sahour, visited the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate, on Saturday, 10th
On Friday, February, 9th, 2024, the seminary hosted students from Freres School – Bethlehem. Father Luis Salman, presented a spiritual meeting for them about the
On February 9th, 2024, the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate participated in the mass, which was presided over by his Excellency the Bishop Youssef Matta,
On Wednesday, 07-02-2024, the Seminary celebrated the mass of the family, which was headed by Fr. Wajdi Sahawneh, priest of the parish of Beheading of
On February 2nd, 2024, the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate, participated in the Divine Liturgy in the feast of the presentation of the Lord to
Contact us: P. O. Box 14152 Jerusalem 9114101 – Tel: +970 2 2742612 – Fax: +970 2 2742885 – Email: info.seminary@lpj.org
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