طُوبَى للأموات الَّذينَ يموتونَ في رضى الرّبِّ (رؤيا ١٤: ١٣)
With hearts believing in the hope of resurrection and eternal life, the family of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate, priests, nuns, seminarians, and employees,
With hearts believing in the hope of resurrection and eternal life, the family of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate, priests, nuns, seminarians, and employees,
On Friday, March 10th, 2023, the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate organized a meeting for adults who wish to discover God’s call to them to
On Friday, March 10th, 2023, the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate received the group of Mercy Apostles in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima
بقلوب مؤمنة على رجاء القيامة والحياة الأبدية، تَتَقدَّم أسرة المعهد الإكليريكي للبطريركية اللاتينية في القدس، ممثلة بالأب برنارد بوجّي، رئيس المعهد، والكهنة والراهبات والإكليريكيين والموظفين،
On Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, the students of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate held a spiritual retreat with Fr. Peter Jadallah, S.J. on the
On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, the seminary welcomed Father Rami Asakaria, parish priest of Saint Catherine – Bethlehem, accompanied by Franciscan seminarians, to a football
The Seminary hosted, on Monday, March 6, 2023, the Knight of the Holy Sepulcher “Mauro Bacelli” in addition to a group of tourists coming from
On Friday 03/03/2023, the seminary hosted students from De La Salle School (Freres) – Bethlehem. So that Father Khaled Gammoh, with the help of some
On Friday, March 3th, 2023, the Seminary hosted the administrative and educational staff members in the Freres Schools in the Holy Land, in a meeting
On Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, the students of the Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate participated in the annual meeting of the Seminaries in the Holy
On Monday, February 27, 2023, the seminary held a farewell mass for Father Tareq Abu Hanna, who served the seminary for a period of 6
Under the title “Where are we going?”, the Seminary of the Lain Patriarchate of Jerusalem held a vocations awareness day on Friday, February 24, 2023.
Contact us: P. O. Box 14152 Jerusalem 9114101 – Tel: +970 2 2742612 – Fax: +970 2 2742885 – Email: info.seminary@lpj.org
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